Tag Archive | ideas

Writing and Pumpkin Spice

Tis the season for everything Pumpkin Spice. Starbucks costs more, but I like their Pumpkin Spice lattee way better than Tim Hortons’. I only say this because I do require coffee in order to write.

This reminds me of walking the dogs along the Alouette River dike path, down to the end where the path is beside Laityview Farms, where in the fall they must make an absolute fortune with children’s field trips, taking classes of children on fun field trips ending with every child getting to pick and take home a pumpkin. Of course, the little kids can’t carry a big pumpkin, so from a business perspective, this is a great way to use their small pumpkins.

Every year I take photos of the pumpkin patch. This year was very sunny, and the field is so orange it almost glows.

I’ve got some great ideas on that path over the years. I’ve also thought out some good plot lines on ideas I’ve already thought of, and need to put together.

What is going on in the mind of this writer on this day, is that I need to get a Pumpkin Spice Lattee and sit in a quit room with my computer and get working on my next series.  It’s a five book series and the first book has to set up all the characters for the current story, as well as the next four books. I need to think and plan this before I keep going. Coffee will help.

Sometimes, that’s all that goes on, is we need more coffee, and it had better be good.

Have I planted any ideas? Don’t you feel like going to Starbucks?